Can cats be vegan?
Cats are considered to be 'obligate carnivores' which means they have nutritional requirements which historically would be sourced from the meat in their diet - however these nutrients are available elsewhere as meat itself is only a carrier of nutrition, it's not a nutrient. Additionally most cats don't live in the wild or source their own food, their owner makes that choice for them.
If you look at the make-up of most cat food, less than a quarter of it is actually meat. Some are as low as 4%. What this small amount of meat contains is really flavour and some nutrition but thankfully both of those can be replaced by non-animal sourced ingredients so the cat receives all the nutrition they need. The cat knows no different, they either like it or they don't. Every owner makes a choice on behalf of their cat, you can't force them to be vegan, no more than you can force them to be a Beatles fan, they remain a cat.We've been selling vegetarian cat food successfully since 2003 and have some fantastic long term customers and feedback. If there really was a problem we would be the first to know.
Can dogs be vegetarian?
Yes, dogs have no problem being vegetarian. Dogs do not have to rely on eating meat as they can find all the nutrition that they require from non-animal sources.
There are thousands of healty dogs living on vegetarian diets without any problems. V-dog (formally Happidog), the first vegetarian dog food in the UK, celebrated it's 35th anniversary in 2015, just as Benevo celebrated its 10th anniversary and they're still going strong with more vegetarian dogs than ever!
In fact, some health problems can be alleviated by cutting out meat. Vegetarian diets are well known for relieving arthritis, skin and fur problems and obesity in dogs. We know this from customer comments, given to us since we started in 2003.
Our selection of vegetarian dog foods are well balanced and nutritious, supplying all of the essential nutrition your dog needs. High in protein, low in fat without artificial flavourings or colourings.